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I would hate to be 900.

As I have got older, tottering through the decades, I sort of thought I would be OK, my life sorted as regards relationships, health, and the like.

No way, Jose.

I find myself in my seventh decade, with my constant companion Ernie Bert, handsome black Labrador, and my adult children living about 300 miles away.  It is lonely, and I hate it when people say, ‘Join a club!’  At this age, most people are with someone, with friends close by, and it is nigh on impossible to actually make new friends at this age.  People have their social groups and it is hard to shuffle into these groups.

Clubs?  Evening classes?  Try and find them these days, what with no funding and lack of interest, they are not common.

I know I sound a whiny old git, and I am really not that, but the Labrador is trying to speak a lot more now, and I suspect it’s to tell me to shut up!

Luckily I am reasonably healthy so that’s a plus.


I never knew

I have just had a ‘bit of a moment’ which has quite shaken me.

Back 24 hours, I was just aimlessly wandering around Carlisle and I went into a lovely card and gift shop and there was wonderful music playing.  Usually in shops the assistants do not know what music is playing, but the lady said the owner produced an i-Pod of music.

The track was by The Milk Carton Kids.  Lovely it was too.

Today I looked them up and was saddened to learn that there is a folk/indie music duo of that name which has been busy over the years.

What shook me was that 20 years ago, two young lads went out to play just before Christmas, were seen at 00.45 a.m. and were never seen again.  They became known as the Milk Carton Kids as their pictures were put on the labels of milk cartons.

I blundered into two families grief and pasts and didn’t know of them and their pain over two decades.


You will learn your letters. OK, you might if I can find a suitable animal to help.

When I was young we used to play a game in which you had to write down things beginning with a particular letter, like cars, countries, and the like.

Then we had/have Sesame Street where each programme is bought to you by a different letter.  I loved it, never mind I was an adult, a mother and the children weren’t as keen on Grover, et al as I was.

Brace yourselves, and today we will attempt to open the door to the letter A.

Aardvark . . . what a wonderful word.  I love the double ‘a’ there.  Anteater, another good example of an animal.  OK so there are lots more but I do like these two.

Austin, Alvis, Audi, just three car manufacturers. though Austin has folded like an origami model, but they were around for years.

Andorra, Australia, Austria.  Just to inform you that Andorra is one of only 19 countries on the planet not to have a standing Army.

Annabel, Anne, Apple.  Please forgive me the latter one, but you know how celebrities think.

Here Comes The Moon

Who saw The Big Red Moon earlier this week?

I didn’t stand in the street in my nightwear as I just knew that there would be wonderful pictures on the internet.and so it proved.

The thing that amazes me is that it has been worked out exactly when there are going to be comets, Big Moons and what have you and people ‘follow’ these events around the world.

Just think of how scared cave dwellers,and their close descendants must have been until scientists appeared to tell them not to worry about such wonders, and to be grateful for no light pollution, so the stars were brilliant and there must have seemed there were billions.  Were comets pictured on cave walls along with bison, buffalo and Woolly Mammoth.

Infinity is something that it is difficult for humans to comrpehend, as things on Earth are finite, even those pesky pieces of string.

About time to stick the toe in the ink.

This is a bit boring in the basic style I have picked, but wobbly baby steps, wobbly baby steps.

We are supposed to live in a democracy here in England but I have severe doubts.  Democracy is supposed to have a separation of Church and State, so why are Bishops in the House of Lords?

We are suppose to elect people to serve us, but why are laws imposed without any thought for the electorate?

Maybe I read the definition incorrectly.  I suspect this is the nearest to democracy in the world so I will cease the casting doubt!

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